Monday, October 25, 2010

MySpot: Like Slow Old Tunes


* photo by Manuela

* photo by Manuela

* photo by Manuela

"There is a temple in ruin stands,
Fashion'd by long forgotten hands;
Two or three columns, and many a stone,
Marble and granite, with grass o'ergrown."
Lord Byron

Saturday, October 16, 2010

MySpot: Liberal Allowance of Time


* photo by Manuela

* photo by Manuela

* photo by Manuela

* photo by Dreamboy

* photo by Manuela

* photo by Manuela

* photo by Manuela

* photo by Manuela


"That's how you saw the city and that's the way you loved it. Seat
of activity and laziness, alone with history, encastled in its
buttresses, under whose jutting eaves eternal time and deep
reality built their nests, where tirelessly one day after another
returns. Its stone, which even though set in civilized forms has no
need to renounce its roots in untouched nature, is strong; but the
light is stronger, and there light is the crown and foundation of

Luis Cernuda, Stephen Kessler - Written in water
